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Paul Budding
Company: Clean as a Whistle
Position: Awaiting Update
Website: Click to view
Phone: Awaiting Update
Mobile: Awaiting Update
Expertise: Awaiting Update

Liked by: 2
Connections: 28
Last online: Aug 29, 2016, 2:04 pm
Area of expertise:
Awaiting Update
I am always looking for:
Networking. People who would like to invest £8 - £15 in order to make an instant profit.
I can always provide:
reassurance that I am genuine, legit and not a horrid online scammer.

Profile details

Email Hi. I am going to prove to you that you can make money really easily. Sorry that the message is long but it’s worth reading. Refer a friend to us. (i.e., make him or her one of our customers) and you receive $10 simply for doing that. No catch. Ok I got straight to the point there but I can prove with logic that this is NOT a scam. Read it first before messaging back with condemnation. Let’s imagine that you are thinking "You aren’t scamming me but what about my friend? What does he or she get out of paying $20 to a stranger? Is that the last (s)he would ever hear of you"? Firstly, no it’s not the last time (s)he would hear from me. (S)he would be investing $20 in a business idea that works. I insist it works. 'But' I would say that. It’s not proof that the idea works if I just state that it does. So the proof isnt the business idea itself. Your friend could do the bit that I am doing here. This is the second part of how (s)he isn’t getting scammed. So ok, I cannot prove part 1... but I can prove part 2 (this part) and Part 2 is enough on its own to make hundreds of dollars more than the original $20 investment. Your friend can do what I am doing here... ask people to refer a friend. So you take $10 then the following is the minimum that your friend does to make tons of money following paying $20. (S)he receives the business idea document. (S)he looks at it and thinks "Nah can’t be arsed to do that". But then (s)he thinks... but I do want to make money because I paid $20 for this. And I want to make it now. So (s)he goes online and says to someone "If you refer a friend to be a customer of mine then you get $10" So let’s say your friend is called Amy. Amy messages someone called Sarah. Sarah gets her friend Angela to pay $20. Amy sends Angela the business idea. Amy pays Sarah $10 for the referral. Maybe Angela would take up the bigger business idea or maybe she would do this smaller version). But it works. Logically it works. Otherwise I wouldn’t message you. I would just give up. And if it works then it’s not a scam. This business is the opposite of a scam. It’s social because it benefits each person... me, you, your friend, then other people... and it just keeps on going. If you are not already independent and well off it will make you independent and well off. So who are the customers? You approach people who want to get rich. Therefore you approach people on social media accounts such as Twitter Millionaire related accounts. They equate to the customers. They are ambitious people who will embrace the idea. Other people will ignore it. So I have approached you. Would you like to refer a friend who buys the business idea for $20 or £15 or would you like to refer a friend and gain $10?, i.e., £8? Either way you start earning today. Email Paul.


The above was almost the deal I wanted to put to you and others. On reflection I wouldnt accept your money if you asked to do business today. I want to do this 100% right. Therefore I am looking for a market of 50 people to start with... i.e., this market wont be for me... it will be for you and a few others. I further need a shortlist of people (i.e., the shortlist of customers = from my perspective my first set of customers). Returning to the 50 customers... once I have them I can pinpoint the list of customers that (from your perspective) equate to your customers. Given that I am hoping that you are one of those 50... its 49 customers to be exact from your viewpoint. Can I put you on this list of 50? If yes, you would in the near future (i.e., I hope next week) be asked to either refer a friend and receive $10 (see above message) or pay $20 for the business plan. But please note, you would then have a whole list in front of you that meant that you would be able to receive several $10 or $20 payments yourself. I will not be messaging you today or tomorrow... but surely next week sometime. So can I put you on the list?

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