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Rob Cockburn
Company: Awaiting Update
Position: self employed
Website: Click to view
Phone: 0870 850 0799
Mobile: Awaiting Update
Expertise: coaching, management training,

Liked by: 4
Connections: 20
Last online: Jun 11, 2011, 6:18 pm
Area of expertise:
coaching, management training,
I am always looking for:
Awaiting Update
I can always provide:
Awaiting Update

Profile details

I operate under the banner of Business Works, set up in 2000, to provide an extensive range of training programmes from operator level right through to senior management training and coaching. (I still like to get my hands dirty now and then).  In 2005 we gained approval as a Centre for the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and in addition to the management training, we also provide Personal and Executive Coaching.

Needless to say, coaching is a growing market and a lot of people are interested in developing their skills in this area. As well as the coach training for business through the ILM we provide Personal or Life Coaching - both training and delivery of coaching to individuals. Our Personal and Life Coaching Services are provided under the operating banner of Absolute Coaching.

Because I spend a lot of time on the phone - I actually do some of the coaching by telephone, I also operate as an Independant Business Associate for one of the major telecomms and soon to be media suppliers. This allows me to leverage some time and build a residual income. 

If you are interested in building an additional income stream as an Independent Business Associate, you can find out more by going to  - or just get a great deal on your phone and broadband!

On the personal side, I am married to Susan - currently re-training to be a nurse and have two teenage sons who are great. Must have been lucky because we have non of the horror stories you hear about other teenagers.

Both Sue and I like to keep fit. Walk a lot, go to the gym (figure I have to as longevity runs in my family and if I am going to live a long time, I would like to live well). I also do some work with the local Volunteer Centre which I believe is very important. I think a lot of what people complain about in society today is caused because we are all too busy to be involved and to contribute to our local communities. As the old saying goes "if we keep doing what we are doing, we will keep getting what we are getting", so maybe making the time for our community is one of the most important things we can do.

OK, so that is my take on life.  I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about you and sharing experience and opportunities

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