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NEED AND FEED Foundation was born with the vision of a non-profit organization  and is operating in order to serve the impoverished and the have-nots all over the World. In NEED AND FEED we believe that this world we live in is, though global, eventually small and that all humans deserve and therefore should be happy.
The mission of  NEED AND FEED Foundation is to create products that retain our customers' satisfaction , whereas at the same time support the impoverished and reduce poverty levels anywhere in the world.  Our ultimate aim is not simply to meet but to surpass this goal through our diversified business. Thus, each and every one of our business sectors serves in creating better countries but above all, better living conditions for their people.
NEED AND FEED Foundation is primarily focused on countries where a large portion of the population cannot afford a standard of living above the poverty line, above covering its basic needs. In NEED AND FEED we believe that business should not merely be business for its own sake. It should also be a journey towards caring for other people. And just as every journey has a unique destination, our destination is to PROFIT FOR THE POVERTY.
Furthermore, for us, making profit is a means to expand career opportunities, so that more people find employment. A considerable part of our profit goes out to simply make people who do not have the opportunity to lead a normal life, smile. NEED AND FEED Foundation  interferes with business sectors such as Fashion, Education, Retail, Service, Accessories & Gifts. We are Happy to say, We are independent professionals who wish to form such a business platform. Your supporting could make our aim into reality.....
Posted by: Ali Zulfikar Zahedi
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