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Barbara Hauck
Company: Awaiting Update
Position: E-Commerce Networker
Website: Click to view
Phone: 520.413.2391
Mobile: Awaiting Update
Expertise: Health & network marketing

Liked by: 5
Connections: 62
Last online: Jun 11, 2011, 6:18 pm
Area of expertise:
Health & network marketing
I am always looking for:
Networking partners that would like to be earning $25,000 a week.
I can always provide:
Fnancial and health opportunities.

Profile details

Hello from Tucson, Arizona. I live in the Sonoran desert, which probably looks quite different from where you live. We get a moderate amount of rain, the summer is beastly hot, our yards are filled with cactii and our lifestyle is more about staying comfortable and cool, having bbq's and outdoor activities.

You won't find many businessmen wearing ties or gals in pantyhose here, as the heat dictates that we dress casually. A cold day in Tucson means we throw on a jacket and brave the storm for a couple of days. Sometimes we'll have snow, and when that happens its beautiful as it covers all the surrounding mountain ranges, but in the valley it usually melts by midday.

If you like beautiful sunsets and mild winters, a lot of great outdoor activities, plenty of great restaurants, and a lot of friendly people, then you'd easily enjoy visiting or living in Tucson.

Even with our unique living, the more I do online networking, the more I'm beginning to understand it doesn't matter where we live on this planet, we're all more alike than we're different. 

Here's a few similarities that I've learned about people that like online networking:

We're very friendly and enjoy meeting anyone from anywhere on Earth.

We're helpful and get a lot of joy out of helping others.

We're curious and we like to investigate and check things out for ourselves.

We've got a passion for being on the computer at all times of the day and night.

We see online networking as a great format for doing business.

And we are very caring about the welfare of our families and our planet. I find it very reassuring to meet so many fine people all over the world like this. I see online marketing bringing all us together for a worthwhile cause, and I like this very much. 

I like that our business relationships foster commerce and friendships. I like that online connections help to build trust between humans all around the world. I especially like to learn from others ways that we can help each other in ways that will help take care of our world.

 Barb & Mike Hauck
Tucson, AZ
p.s.   This nutritional program has a payout of at least $25,000 a week and we are in the groundfloor of this program. Hurry in and secure your position now.




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At 23:20 on Sun, 13 Nov 2016
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