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Inquist software

Technology, business, and individuals have depended on calculations to complete tasks, gain knowledge, develop products, and to inform. Routinely, data is processed to obtain a result. Math has proved to be a powerful tool to return a solution. Experience has shown, we require rapid results and to retain accuracy. Our needs require the repeated use of the same calculations using new data as well as the creation of new calculations. With the development of Inquist, we can achieve rapid results, retain accuracy, and create new calculations in a design fashion.


Equation Reuse

The concept of equation reuse is the basis for Inquist. Several steps need to be taken when calculating data. And when calculating new data, those same steps should not have to be repeated. The idea is to build an equation and use it over and over again. Once an equation is assigned in Inquist, new data can be entered and Inquist will calculate the data using the assigned equation.


Scheme Concept

A scheme, by definition, is a plan, or putting a plan into effect. An Inquist scheme is a designed plan, or template,  of calculating data to attain a result. It is often necessary to calculate data and then calculate other data along with the result of the previous data. In some instances, several results need to be calculated to achieve a new result. Inquist’s scheme concept allows for several calculations to be performed simultaneously.


Scheme Design

Inquist is built with technologies to build and design a calculation plan, or scheme. Components are added as needed. Drag & Drop features allow components to be moved and arranged to a desired model. Editing and arranging a scheme can be done at any time.


Calculation Technique

Inquist calculates data by equations that have been entered and assigned, the use of Drag & Drop operators, Drag & Selection of components containing data, or the use of Click & Build equations. These features allow for rapid equation composition with auto-generation techniques when applicable.


Inquist provides a reliable means to design calculation models with a wide range of capabilities. The development of Inquist emerged from a career of continuous calculations and equation creation.


Timothy Schablin

Cofounder Soundritsoft

Posted by: Timothy Schablin
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