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If slimming clubs worked people wouldn\'t go back!

Before I start this I am going in with the assumption that when someone wants to lose weight they also want to keep it off. If that’s not the case then i’m wrong and please ignore this blog while I re-train to become Marjorie Dawes.

With an estimated 27 million in the UK on a diet last year and 300,000 attending a slimming club every week it’s big business.

What’s interesting is that such a large amount of their revenue comes from repeat business. This makes me wonder…


But yet people do. Time and time again. But it’s not their fault. Their business model is designed to do this.

Here’s how…

Person X

1) Follows plan which restricts calories and/or food groups which means they lose weight quickly are very happy and of course tell their friends.

2) Starts to struggle with this diet and notices weight loss has slowed down.

3) Goes off track, diet is out of the window and weight is creeping back on, person is very unhappy.

4) Person thinks “(insert slimming club name here) worked last time” and so the cycle begins again.

5) Brilliant! (for slimming clubs).

The point of this post is that a good weight loss plan is a sustainable one that does not restrict calories or food groups for too long causing the above to happen! Most people with a few months coaching will have all the tools they need to keep weight under control long-term.

Some interesting stats:

WW estimated UK turnover is £130 million.
84% of WW income is repeat business.
66% of people end up fatter when they come off WW.

Please think about what you are doing before parting with your cash.

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Posted by: Joe Smith
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